* India invented the number system.
*Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
* India established the world's first University at Takshasila in 700B.C.
* Sanskrit is the mother of all European languages. It is the bestsuited language for computer software (Forbes magazine, July 1987).
* Ayurveda is the earliest system of medicine known to humans.
* The art of navigation originated in the river Sindh 6000 years ago.Navigation comes from the Sanskrit word "Nav Gatih".
* Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by earth to orbit the sun as365.258756484 days (in 5th century A.D). * In the 6th century A.D Budhayana calculated the value of pi .Quadratic equations were propunded by Sridharacharya in the 11th century.
* According to the Gemological Institute of America , upto 1896, Indiawas the only source for diamonds.
* IEEE has proved an age old suspicion that the pioneer of wirelesscommunication is Jagdish Bose and not Marconi.
* The earliest reservoir and dam was built in Saurashtra, India duringChandragupta Maurya's time (300 B.C)
* Chess originated in India.
* Susruta is known as the father of surgery, performing complexsurgeries as many as 2600 YEARS ago
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