When traveling down the road it is always good to beware of roadblocks! You
don't want to crash and burn do you? The same is true in our journey toward
success. We need to beware of those things that will keep us from our
What are the most common? Here they are:
1. Fear. Fear is one of the worst enemies of success. When fear wraps its
tentacles around you and keeps you in bondage, you will never be able to reach
for your dreams. We must confront our fears, see them for what they are, toss
them to the side, and pursue our dreams with relentless passion. Conquering fear
and stepping forward to reach new lands and new ideas is what makes success
possible. What are you afraid of today? What fear must you conquer to be able to
achieve your dream? When you realize what it is, take an action that is
diametrically opposed to that which you fear. This will confront and conquer the
fear by giving you the first step in the right direction.
2. Lethargy. Quite frankly, what keeps most people from success is that they
simply don't have the energy, or make the energy, to do what it takes to move to
the next level. They get to a point that is comfortable and then they settle in
for a nice, life-long nap! Don't get lethargic; get going! Force yourself to
wake up from the slumber and move!
3. Lack of perseverance. Often times the race is lost because the race is not
finished. Success is often just around the sharpest corner or the steepest hill.
Persevere. Keep going. One more hill. One more corner! In real estate they say
the three most important things are "location, location, location." In success
the three most important things are "perseverance, perseverance, perseverance."
4. Pessimism. The saying is that you can achieve what you believe. Ask yourself
what kinds of beliefs you hold. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? If you don't
believe that you can achieve than you won't. Your pessimism will prove yourself
right every time. You will find that you subconsciously undermine yourself.
Develop your optimism. Look for ways to believe that you can achieve success.
5. Not taking responsibility. I am the chaplain for the local police department.
The other day I went with an officer as he took two prisoners to court. Time
after time the prisoners made excuses as to why they hadn't yet done what the
judge had ordered (she didn't buy it, by the way). After dropping the prisoners
off, I said to the officer that unsuccessful people and prisoners have the same
bad habit - they won't accept responsibility for their lives. You are
responsible. When you
accept that, you are on the road to success.
6. Picking the wrong people to hang out with. We can easily become products of
our environment. This is why it is essential to hang around people who will spur
you on not hold you back! What about the people you have surrounded yourself
with? Are they quality people who will encourage you and strengthen you in your
quest for success? If not, move on!
7. No vision. Those who succeed always see their success months and years before
they live it. They have the ability to look ahead, see the future, imagine the
good that can and will come from their lives, families and work. To not have
vision is a tremendous roadblock. Sit down and work on seeing the future - and make it good!