Monday, December 31, 2007
When traveling down the road it is always good to beware of roadblocks! You
don't want to crash and burn do you? The same is true in our journey toward
success. We need to beware of those things that will keep us from our
What are the most common? Here they are:
1. Fear. Fear is one of the worst enemies of success. When fear wraps its
tentacles around you and keeps you in bondage, you will never be able to reach
for your dreams. We must confront our fears, see them for what they are, toss
them to the side, and pursue our dreams with relentless passion. Conquering fear
and stepping forward to reach new lands and new ideas is what makes success
possible. What are you afraid of today? What fear must you conquer to be able to
achieve your dream? When you realize what it is, take an action that is
diametrically opposed to that which you fear. This will confront and conquer the
fear by giving you the first step in the right direction.
2. Lethargy. Quite frankly, what keeps most people from success is that they
simply don't have the energy, or make the energy, to do what it takes to move to
the next level. They get to a point that is comfortable and then they settle in
for a nice, life-long nap! Don't get lethargic; get going! Force yourself to
wake up from the slumber and move!
3. Lack of perseverance. Often times the race is lost because the race is not
finished. Success is often just around the sharpest corner or the steepest hill.
Persevere. Keep going. One more hill. One more corner! In real estate they say
the three most important things are "location, location, location." In success
the three most important things are "perseverance, perseverance, perseverance."
4. Pessimism. The saying is that you can achieve what you believe. Ask yourself
what kinds of beliefs you hold. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? If you don't
believe that you can achieve than you won't. Your pessimism will prove yourself
right every time. You will find that you subconsciously undermine yourself.
Develop your optimism. Look for ways to believe that you can achieve success.
5. Not taking responsibility. I am the chaplain for the local police department.
The other day I went with an officer as he took two prisoners to court. Time
after time the prisoners made excuses as to why they hadn't yet done what the
judge had ordered (she didn't buy it, by the way). After dropping the prisoners
off, I said to the officer that unsuccessful people and prisoners have the same
bad habit - they won't accept responsibility for their lives. You are
responsible. When you
accept that, you are on the road to success.
6. Picking the wrong people to hang out with. We can easily become products of
our environment. This is why it is essential to hang around people who will spur
you on not hold you back! What about the people you have surrounded yourself
with? Are they quality people who will encourage you and strengthen you in your
quest for success? If not, move on!
7. No vision. Those who succeed always see their success months and years before
they live it. They have the ability to look ahead, see the future, imagine the
good that can and will come from their lives, families and work. To not have
vision is a tremendous roadblock. Sit down and work on seeing the future - and make it good!
A son and his father were walking in the mountains.
Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh! !!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain:
"AAAhhhhhhhhhhh! !!"
Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"
Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer: "Coward!"
He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"
The voice answers: "I admire you!"
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
Life will give you back everything you have given to it."
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Give In To Desire
Most New Year resolutions are about taming temptations. “Have ice-cream!” “No thanks!” This New Year, yours truly resolved to abstain from sugar and cream. And wondered how long it would last. Well, most New Year resolutions don’t last long. Mostly. Mercifully, as the year wears off so does our resolve until one day we forget about the resolutions as we do an out-offashion piece of garment. Mercifully, because holding on to a self-binding declaration beyond a period betrays an annoying infallibility. To be human is to be vulnerable, after all. One wonders why we use this great tradition to pander to the ascetic lurking inside us. Perhaps it’s because we get a kick out of kicking ourselves. Ergo, “one shall not’’ is how most New Year commandments begin and the most popular of them are about giving up one or the other good thing of life. In other words, we turn it into an exercise in self-denial. But, hey, self-denial is an overrated virtue. Indeed, one wonders if it is virtue at all. It’s the most wretched rationalisation for lack of purushartha or vigour.
Spiritual leaders who preach the virtues of self-denial themselves live in the lap of luxury. Others who advocate it are those who have either had their share of fun or who have no clue as to what fun is all about. For the man on the street, such preaching serves little purpose. At best it makes him smug and at worst, it burdens him with guilt about enjoying the few luxuries to which he has access. Needless to say, it adds to one’s stress levels. More often than not, one finds oneself being chased by the very thing that one wishes to run away from. Also, taking a broader look, self-denial is the roadblock to human progress. Cravings and desires have spurred growth and development. Whoever discovered anything without first desiring it intensely? Curbing one’s legitimate temptations is, therefore, hardly the best way to welcome the New Year. Rather one should use it as an opportunity to liberate oneself from the middle-class squeamishness that blights pure pleasure. A wise wag has said, “Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again”. Why not, then, make this New Year resolution: One shall not deny oneself anything from now on.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
There’ll never be a
first night again…
If the pleasure is more in the hunt than in acquisition, and anticipation is far more exciting than fulfilment, why does one seek a culmination of desire at all?
Afriend was most flustered when after the first night of honeymoon, she found her new husband reflective and somewhat depressed. Upon prodding, his answer was, “I love you more than ever, but it upsets me that there will never be a first night with you ever again…”
He explained to her how he had anticipated and looked forward with great intensity to their first time together. And now that it was behind them, he felt a bit lost … almost as if he had lost something precious. Weird? Romantic? Yes, a bit of both, but doesn’t it happen to all of us at some point or other? We tend to get so caught up in the anticipation that not only do we forget to enjoy present moments but are at a total loss once we achieve what we desired!
It is true that the thrill of anticipation never does quite match the realisation. And, some of the most powerful experiences in life are those that never met fruition. In fact, according to a theory called the Zeigarnik effect, there is a psychological tendency to more vividly remember an uncompleted rather than a completed task. Memories are more vivid where the agenda has not been completed.
A gaze frozen in time can rekindle romantic memories through a lifetime, far more than if it had become a tangible reality. Indeed I do still recall the thrill of the furtive glances sent my way by an unnamed boy way back in the school bus. In that entire year of going back and forth from school, we looked but never exchanged a word with each other, nor knew each other’s names!
Think of when you receive a gift. The highpoint is the moment just before the wrapping comes off. And most of us like to prolong that moment. Once opened, the gift becomes a mundane part of life.
Or, the act of lovemaking. All the pleasure, the trembling excitement is part of the anticipation. Poised on the edge of the precipice, fevered passion can only possibly take a downswing from here onwards…
All your life you hanker after those solitaires, enjoying plenty pleasurable moments anticipating the moment you will own them. The moment comes and goes -- and suddenly those solitaires are a possession, a reality of your everyday existence. What then? Soon enough you hanker after something else! For it’s that hankering that gives you your adrenaline shots more than the acquisition.
If the pleasure is more in the hunt than in acquisition, and anticipation is far more exciting than fulfilment, why does one seek a culmination of desire at all? It is at the point when we are poised on the brink of fulfilment that life’s most intensely pleasurable moments reside -- when our desire is just about to be fulfilled. Chocolate tastes the best between first bite and just the moment before we swallow it — and then…it’s over, leaving behind a lingering guilt! There is a deep intensity in that one moment just before anticipation takes the shape of reality. Were it possible to string together those moments, the awesome intensity would be unbearable!
“To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive,” said Robert Louis Stevenson. Living on the edge of discovery, to be poised on the verge is far more thrilling than the plunge itself.
But so focused are we on the destination, and so conditioned to be goal-oriented that we forget to enjoy the moments of expectation that await us on the brink of fulfilment. Right from childhood we are taught the importance of focusing on and achieving our goals. We are never told that what matters is excellence — not perfection or culmination. Seldom is a child taught to enjoy the journey as he goes along. Living on the edge of discovery, standing poised on the verge of achievement is always far more pleasurable than the achievement itself. That’s the lesson we all come across again and again in life….
Would that love forever retained the thrill of anticipation and never became a harsh reality; would that the moment just before those solitaires are touched remained frozen in time; would that the gift remained just one fold beyond the wrapping paper…
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Roles in Heaven
Systems Installation
Systems Administration & Support
Finance and Accounts consultant
Training and Knowledge Management
DBA (Crash Specialist)
Quality Assuarance & Documentation
Data transfer
Reorganization & Downsizing Consultant
IDP & Personal Records
Downloadable Viruses
Mainframe Programmers
Solaris Administrator
In house Hackers
! ;Internet Explorer WWWF
Support Software and Backup
System Programmer
Sr. Manager Projects
Technical Writer (Ramayana Sign off document)
SDLC ( Sudarshan Wheel Development Life Cycle )
Lead Programmer (all companies are vying for him)
Trainee Programmer
Motivation & Team building
Microsoft product Written in VB
Contract programmer
Visual C++
100 Kauravas
Microsoft Service Packs and patches
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